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    恐怖黎明(Grim Dawn)试炼模式攻略

    时间:2016-07-08 分类:QQ游戏攻略 人气: 835 编辑:Admin_qqzy

    恐怖黎明(Grim Dawn)试炼模式攻略


    The Crucible isa cruel arena devised by its Celestial master to draw in powerful adventurersand force them to battle for their lives, all for his amusement.


    The Crucible is the first DLC for Grim Dawn, coming soon this Summer 2016.As a special thank you to those who have been with us at the beginning of GrimDawn’s journey, everyone who purchased the game through our website priorto/during the Kickstarter, or through the Kickstarter campaign itself, willreceive the DLC for FREE.





    The Crucible is a cruel place where even the mightiestheroes meet their match. But we couldn’t stop with just one deadly arena. TheCrucible will feature several battlegrounds, each with a different layout anddefensive positions.


    Crucible of the Dead


    Countless bones of failed combatants litter the floor of this Crucible.This tomb lies within an endless sea of bones and misery. Will your bones jointhem? Or will you triumph where countless others have failed?


    Crucible of the Deeps


    Deep beneath the earth, where no natural light can reach, this deadlyCrucible was formed from the surrounding stones. What little light remains onlyserves to illuminate the terrors that await you within every shadow.


    Crucible of the Grove


    Hidden away within a treacherous forest, this Crucible gives a new meaningto survival of the fittest. The warding power within the sacred stones at thecenter of this arena have long ago lost their strength. The gods will not spareyou from a painful end at the claws and fangs of the Crucible's fiends.


    Crucible of the Sands


    The shifting sands have nearly consumed this forgotten temple, now used asa Crucible to test the hardiest fighters. With the hungering fiends of theCrucible crawling in from every corner, it is inevitable that your sunbleachedbones will soon join the ruins.




    The Crucible will test your characters like nothing has before as youbattle through its three difficulty modes. You will begin as an Aspirant,untested and unscarred by the ravages of the Crucible. But once you defeat thefirst 100 waves of the Crucible, you will earn access to the Challengerdifficulty. Likewise, defeating 100 waves as a Challenger will allow you to playon the Gladiator difficulty.

    Eachdifficulty presents tougher challenges, but also greater rewards.




    Crucible Mechanics


    Treasure Chamber


    In the Crucible, death marks the end (especially true for Hardcoreplayers). Every 10 waves of enemies, you have to make a difficult choice:continue on for the next 10 encounters for a chance of greater reward, or cashout what you’ve earned and not risk your own demise.


    Treasure Chamber


    Should you perish, you cannot continue and thetreasure will be reduced substantially. In Multiplayer, you still have a chanceif your allies survive. Should they manage to finish the wave that bested you,you will be resurrected (for Softcore characters only). Cheer your allies onand perhaps together you will triumph!


    The quality of the treasure contained within the Treasure Chamber, the experienceearned and the Tributes earned depend on the difficulty of the Crucible, howmany tiers you defeated and whether you chose to cash out or perished, withsignificantly reduced consolation rewards given for failure.




    Tributes are the currency of the Crucible, bestowed upon you by its cruelmaster as compensation for your bloody perseverance. Tributes can be spent togamble on superior rewards the next time you tackle the Crucible, or toincrease your odds of survival with the aid of Celestial Blessings and ArcaneDefenses.




    The Crucible is cruel, but you are not without options. Spend yourvaluable Tributes to create powerful defenses around the arenas, giving you anedge on the seemingly endless waves of enemies.


    · Deathchill Beacons launch icy orbs at distant enemies, slowing their advance, with achance to freeze, but their damage is relatively low.

    · 死寒冰塔:会向远处的敌人放射冰球,将他们缓速,且有几率冻结,但是这些冰塔的攻击力并不高。

    · Inferno Beacons frequently release intense bursts of flame at nearby enemies, buttheir range is limited.

    地狱火塔: 频繁的向周边的地方喷放灼焰。但是火塔的攻击距离并不远。

    Stormcaller Beacons occasionally release a bolt of chain lightning at distant enemies,with a chance to reduce resistances, but they hit a limited number of targetsand attack slowly.

    风暴电塔: 会偶尔的向远方的敌人发起闪电攻击,且有几率削弱他们的抗性,但是电塔只能打击一定数量的敌人,并且攻击并不快。

    · Stonewall Banners grant nearby players bonus Health, Defensive Ability and HealthRegeneration.

    石墙防御塔: 赐予附近的玩家额外的生命,防御能力,和生命恢复力。

    · Vanguard Banners grant nearby players bonus Damage, Offensive Ability and CritDamage.

    · 先锋攻击塔: 赐予附近的玩家额外的伤害,攻击能力和暴击伤害。

    All Defenses can be upgraded twice, first gaining a new ability, thenempowering their abilities:


    Deathchill Beacon Upgrade: periodically Freeze all nearby enemies. When fully upgraded, damageis increased by 25% and the Freeze is cast more often and on a larger area.


    Inferno Beacon Upgrade: periodically unleash a Fire Storm on a target area. When fullyupgraded, damage is increased by 25%, Burst of Flame area is increased and theFire Storm is cast more often.

    关键词:恐怖黎明 恐怖黎明试炼模式 恐怖黎明攻略

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